FER/View2.0 postprocessor

by Zhigang Feng


Universite de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard

90010 Belfort, France 

FER/View is a color interactive graphics visualization program which displays two-dimensional and three-dimensional time-dependent numerical simulation static or dynamic results. FERView is developed by using C++ language with the support of OpenGL graphical library on the environment of Microsoft Visual C++ developer studio and SGI station respectively.

With the techniques of object-oriented programming and OpenGL programming as well as some new geometrical algorithms, it produces the high image quality and allows to visualize and to operate very easily the large amounts of data produced in the analysis results.

I. Installation

II. Visualization Techniques III. File format
Ferview uses its own binary file format(.rst). However, You can use the file translator functionality of Ferview to change your results (ASCII file with an extension .asc) which must have the format as follows :

200 // file type, 200 means 2D, 300 means 3D, 250 means shell element
2D test example! // job title
-------------- Nodes -------------------
65 2 // number of nodes, dimension of problem
1 1.500000e-001 1.562500e-001 // node number, coordinates of nodes x, y, (z)
2 3.750000e-001 0.000000e+000
3 1.521885e-001 1.301901e-001
4 1.586927e-001 1.048602e-001
5 1.693304e-001 8.096993e-002
-------------- Elements -------------------
48 4 // number of elements, maximum number of node in one element
1 3 1 1 1 1 3 33
2 4 1 1 1 3 4 36 33
3 4 1 1 1 4 5 39 36
4 3 1 1 1 5 6 42
5 4 1 1 1 6 7 45 42
// element number, number of nodes, material num.,type num.,
// property num. and node numbers of element
-------------- Results -------------------
7 UX UY SXX SYY SXY MISES // free degre
15 // total computational steps
1 0.000000e+000 // step number, time
1 -3.199100e-005 -1.130600e-002 2.461900e+001 -2.264200e+003 -6.718600e+002 4.515700e+002
2 0.000000e+000 -1.120700e-002 -9.025400e+003 -1.433100e+004 -7.007000e+003 1.015900e+002
3 -2.938800e-005 -1.130400e-002 -6.838100e+001 -1.293000e+003 -4.084100e+002 4.578300e+002
4 -2.531200e-005 -1.130200e-002 -1.221300e+002 -7.044400e+002 -2.479700e+002 3.973200e+002
5 -1.987000e-005 -1.129900e-002 -1.617500e+002 -3.819900e+002 -1.631200e+002 3.008300e+002
2 2.500000e-001 //second stepr, time
1 -4.297800e-005 -2.254200e-002 4.608800e+001 -3.565000e+003 -1.055700e+003 6.544100e+002
2 0.000000e+000 -2.241800e-002 -1.177300e+004 -1.772200e+004 -8.848500e+003 1.802500e+002
3 -3.885500e-005 -2.254000e-002 -8.030200e+001 -2.149000e+003 -6.687900e+002 6.950800e+002
4 -3.247500e-005 -2.253700e-002 -1.946400e+002 -1.287900e+003 -4.447600e+002 6.325600e+002
5 -2.394500e-005 -2.253200e-002 -1.698500e+002 -8.823900e+002 -3.156700e+002 5.702300e+002

1). About the name of display items (UX,...), only the deplacements are limited as UX, UY and UZ.
2). For the demo version, the element type is limted as : 3 or 4 node elemnt for 2D, 4 or 8 node for 3D.
3). For the demo version, if you use the translator command (translate the result file from ASCII (.asc) to Binary file (.rst), the number of node is limited under 100.
4). Available element types (2D and 3D) in this demo version :

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